Our Policies


To fulfill within the company the minimum requirements of AMFORI BSCI and SEDEX, as well as national laws and relevant international regulations on labor, environment and occupational health and safety;

  • Skilled and professional employees who treat them with respect and dignity, protect them against violence, harassment, inhuman and degrading behavior and discrimination, and develop them by communicating their rights and responsibilities,
  • The importance it attaches to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining within the framework of laws and internal company rules,
  • Compliance with international rules on employment, internal management rules that prohibit discrimination and child labor, promote and protect the development of young workers, and prevent forced bonded labor, human trafficking and indiscipline,
  • Ensuring a safe, equitable, peaceful and peaceful working environment for participating colleagues and service providers through the full implementation of gender equality,
  • In the event that any adverse human rights impacts are identified, a committee to be established to determine the function and level of accountability,
  • Adherence to fair remuneration principles and adherence to payment deadlines and contracts that can ensure a minimum subsistence level while preventing corruption, fraud, embezzlement or bribery,
  • Compliance with legal restrictions on working hours and the importance it attaches to minimizing legal requirements by identifying and eliminating risks with external expert support in ensuring workplace health and safety and the environment and safety, including communities, natural resources, climate and the general environment
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